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The Grapevine Community Art Space

Terms and Conditions of Hire

Glossary of Terms

The Venue refers to the Grapevine Community Art Space, 1 Arrowsmith Avenue, Charlottes Vineyard  WA  6069

The Hirer refers to the individual responsible for the booking

The Booking & Hire Agreement refers to this document and is a binding agreement between the Hirer and Ellenbrook Arts


How to Hire the Grapevine Community Art Space

Complete the Grapevine Booking & Hire Agreement Form on the Ellenbrook Arts website. 

Once the Grapevine Booking & Hire Agreement Form has been assessed the Hirer must then:

                Pay the Hire Fee in full 

                Pay the Venue and Key Bond at Ellenbrook Arts

                Complete a brief site induction, if required

A booking is not confirmed until the Booking & Hire Agreement Form has been returned and the required Fees and Bonds have been paid. 

Please note that the Ellenbrook Arts office is located at 34 Main Street, Ellenbrook and open from Wednesday to Friday, 10am to 5pm.  


Fee Structure

Minimum hire period is one hour. Hire periods must fall within half hour increments. 

All Hire Fees are inclusive of GST.

                Community Groups                        $25/hr

                Private Hire                                      $35/hr

                Commercial Hire                             $45/hr



Capacity must not exceed 50 attendees.


Venue and Key Bond

Venue and Key Bond must be paid at Ellenbrook Arts. Bond can be either be paid in cash, EFT or a credit card number can be provided.


Venue Bond (all Hirers)                  $200


Key Bond (all Hirers)                      $50 per key

The Bonds will be returned once the Venue has been inspected and terms and conditions have been met.



For Long Term Bookings 

Once all payments have been received keys can be collected from Ellenbrook Arts.  Please ring at least a week prior to your booking to make an appointment to collect the keys. If you cancel or terminate your booking please return keys within a week of your booking finishing.  

For Short Term Bookings

Once all payments have been received instructions on how to retrieve keys from the Key Safe will be issued.

The key holder is responsible for securing the premises. Check that all windows and doors are securely locked, heater/air conditioner and lights are off, and ensure that alarm is activated prior to exit and ensuring the key is returned securely to the Key Safe

Unless notification is made in writing to Ellenbrook Arts and a new signature recorded, the original key register signatory will be held accountable for Venue security. The key signatory must not share keys with other users. 

Lost keys will result in forfeit of Key Bond.



Upon receipt of signed and completed Booking & Hire Agreement Form an invoice for all fees can be emailed to the Hirer or they can pay in person at our office located at 34 Main Street, Ellenbrook. Grapevine Hire Fees are payable by EFTPOS or direct debit at time of booking.

Hire Agreement for recurring bookings will be renewed annually and fees must be paid one month in advance. 

Cancellation & Termination Policy

Cancellation of Grapevine bookings must be sent in writing to

Cancellation with four weeks notice will result in a full refund of the Hire Fee and Bonds. 

Hirers who cancel with less than four weeks but greater than two weeks notice will forfeit of 50% of the Hire Fee. 

The full Hire Fee will be forfeited when less than two weeks notice of cancellation is given. 

Ellenbrook Arts reserves the right to refuse,  cancel or terminate a booking at any time should the terms and conditions of this agreement be breached.



The Grapevine must be left in a clean and tidy condition following Hire. Please bring your own cleaning materials. 

Hirers must ensure:

                Kitchen utensils are washed and packed away

                Internal bins are emptied

                Floor is swept and/or mopped

                Toilets are left clean and tidy, and bins empty

                Oven and microwave wiped and spills removed

                Food is not left in freezer or fridge and appliances are wiped

A cleaning fee of $100 will be deducted from Venue Bond if the Venue is not left in a neat and tidy st



Loss or damage of any fixtures, fittings, equipment or furniture will be invoiced in full at replacement value to the Hirer responsible for Venue hire at the time that damage occurred. 


Incident Reporting

The Hirer must notify Ellenbrook Arts immediately if an event occurs that:

  • Causes damage to the Venue

  • Causes injury to a person using the Venue

  • Is likely to be a danger to the Venue or any person who uses the Venue

Hirers should use the Incident Report Template provided or call Debbie on 0410 469 858.



Hirers must ensure that adequate time has been booked to allow for set up and pack down time and this is included in the time booked, as back to back bookings often occur. If any Hirer is found to be earlier or later than their booked time then they will be charged in 30 minute increments accordingly.

The Venue is hired on an ‘as is’ basis. The Hirer must provide any additional equipment required during hire. Additional equipment must be removed following hire period. 

All electrical equipment used on site must be tagged and tested by a licensed electrician.


Chairs and Tables

Chairs and tables are available for use during hire. Tables must be wiped clean, folded and stacked on the table trolley, or returned to the main storeroom if applicable. Chairs must be stacked no more than 5 high and stored neatly in the room nearest the kitchen. 


Air Conditioning and Ceiling Fans

Air conditioning at the Venue works best at 22 degrees with windows, drapes and doors closed. Please ensure that air conditioning is switched off at the wall unit inside upon exit. 

All ceiling fans and lights must be turned off prior to exit. 


Vertical Drapes

If drapes become loose, please re-hang. If you are not able to re-hang drapes, please inform staff at Ellenbrook Arts. Any damage to the drapes will incur a loss of Bond. 

Walls, Windows and Floors

Posters, flyers, banners, decorations must not be adhered to internal and external walls and windows. Pictures may be hung using available rails and hanging wires. Please submit a request for hanging equipment at

A notice board has been provided for use by groups that hire the Venue. 

Floors must be clean and spillages from water, drinks,  paint etc must be mopped and dry ready for the next booking.  Please inspect the floor at the end of your session and clean accordingly.



Limited space is available and is allocated at the discretion of Ellenbrook Arts staff. Stored items must be clearly labelled with Hirer/group name. 

All items are stored at Hirer’s own risk. Ellenbrook Arts will in no way be held responsible for missing or damaged items. 



Alcohol may be served at private functions. Under no circumstances can alcohol be sold from the Venue. 

Guests must remain on the premises when consuming alcohol. The area outside the building is a strict alcohol-free zone. 



Smoking is prohibited in and around the Venue. 


Food Preparation and Service

Hirers must bring their own cutlery, crockery, food preparation and cleaning items. 

Kitchen must be left clean and tidy after use. 



Hirers must not rope off any area outside the Venue. Hire is limited to the building itself and does not include any outdoor space. The outdoor areas surrounding the Grapevine are open to the public and are the property of the City of Swan. 


Public Liability Insurance

Hirers must provide proof of currency for a Public Liability Insurance Policy before hiring the Venue. 

                Do you have public liability insurance?                 ☐ Yes  ☐ No

                If yes, please attach your certificate of currency

                If no, please provide your reasons and read the indemnity clause below:


Indemnity Clause

The Hirer indemnifies Ellenbrook Arts against any liability or loss arising from and any costs, charges and expenses incurred in connection with: 

                Any damage to the Venue, or any loss or damage to anything within it; and

                Any injury to any user of the Venue

Ellenbrook Arts will not be liable for loss, damage or injury to any person or property in or about the Venue however occurring due to negligence of the Hirer, or the Hirer’s invitees.


  1. The Hirer shall conform to the requirements of the Health Act, Local Government Act, Working      with Children Act of 2006, and all other statutes of the Commonwealth of Australia and state of Western Australia and shall be liable for any breach of such acts, bylaws or regulations. 

  2. The Hirer shall be responsible for any infringement of copyright in connection with the performance of any musical, literary or dramatic works in the Venue.

  3. Permission to consume liquor in the Venue must comply with the ECF Terms and Conditions of Hire. 

  4. Permission to prepare and consume food within the Venue must comply with the ECF Terms and Conditions of Hire. 

  5. Smoking is prohibited in and around the Venue.



Street address: 34 Main St, Ellenbrook


Postal address: PO Box 2184

Ellenbrook, WA 6069

Phone: 08 9395 2939

Join our mailing list


Mon-Fri 10am - 5pm



Mon, Closed

Tue-Fri, 10am-5pm

Sat & Sun, 10am-2pm

*Closed during installation of new exhibitions. Check individual exhibition dates for more information.

Public holidays, closed

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